Hearty Boy.

She finds your decor amusing but fascinating, the lady sits on the mantlepiece above the fireplace, a traditional setting surrounded by testosterone and tumult. Foliage and grass neighbour a serious degree, you make her think, which makes her think, she should think about more you. Your hair is a growing maturity and your look is looking likeable. She thinks she likes this. The height of perfectly spaced records, framed art and grainy films with dazzling plots say a lot about a person like you. Salty is one word to leave her lips, to live daily on your lips and to one day link their lips, an interesting mix of mutual existence that have newly come to the fore. Pottering around in a place of unstable, leaves ladies and gentleman talking abroad. A talk that never listens, a talk to tempt the faint, a talk for maybe him, a talk for never her.


There is a little bit of love inside champagne. I found the nectar always lies far from the bee. Any empty room gives me energy. We procrastinate at the best of times to stop the worst of times. I cannot imagine a life without space. Flickering images make the empty room scary. Champagne brings laughter. Space brings procrastination. Nectar is a bees best friend. My best friend and i share champagne.

Desiccated coconut balls.

There is desiccated coconut on the floor, a drawing of a boy on my book and a needle in the back of my head. Balls in my stomach and earrings in the saucepan. This is not a lie. The question is; how did the balls get in my stomach? Well that’s because of the coconut. And that coconuts on the floor because of my kidneys. That’s also why the needle is in the back of my neck. The earrings in the saucepan may be there because of the boy, but the boy is in the book because i love eating balls- the coconut balls that is. If i didn’t use the saucepan then i might blame the issue on the kidneys. But the boy on the book would rather be at the back of my head, where the needle was, which was fixing my kidneys and explaining why i had the balls in my stomach and the coconut on the floor. The desiccated coconut.

day 54, crash and burn.

Best four minutes twelve of my week, oh my god. The salty diet detox that fucks the system more than fatigue. I have never been so happily discouraged- only discouraged because the other big word is just not in my gene pool. A fake, horrible period. Peculiar, but i kind of like it. Only because this year is my gold pot, my pot of gold, i can just feel it. How special is an aliterate song title when you need it most in the day of calling and week of loneliness. If i had done a squat for every day of the snap streak i’d be more lit than a summers night in February. But i didn’t, simply because i hate squats, big bums and i see a slender future filled with Tim Tams. Articulation is my devil and several dangling jewels are my saviours, too bad my belly is more commonly occupied than not. The weather is a direct reflection- a somber reality that i wish to dismiss on my March afternoon. Day 54, i thought you would never come, even though i begged for it right for day 1. Now the time has arrived and my zest a has left. The question is, “What is the deal with us?”.


pinkish <3

Getting inspired by your own feed is an endless circle of joy- just like my mothers middle name. Pink and kooky are the ways of the world right now and i have never felt more confident in my bronzed skin. The smell of a princess and the hair of a rebel, chocolate almonds almost sent me to the police. It’s when two dates appear on one date that you feel like maybe you can forget the other bronzed skin that tends to linger long past summer. I do like the summer.

Green tea is not always the beverage to make love to, but it cleans the laughter from 3am that wouldn’t have come otherwise. Laughing is healthy, and so is happiness- a feeling December is familiar with. Yellow and black pills sound a lot worse than the reality, especially for the haircut that had to taxi me home from the lost taxi stand. I’m going to say that the green tea has really allowed me to release myself. I do like green tea.

hair tie of the female.

Maybe only females and man-buns will understand.

I lost my hair tie yesterday (well actually someone else lost it for me) and this morning when i woke up and reached for my right wrist to tame the blonde, i was surprising disheartened to find the absence of a piece of elastic. I thought about it for a while, and then i realised my reaction was far from an overreaction and in fact rather an under reaction (if that is even a thing). I tired to remember when i received that hair tie and the truth of the matter is it was so long ago i couldn’t even begin to trace my steps. That insignificant piece of brown elastic had been there through thick and thin, constantly by my side for weeks on end and honestly it hadn’t even come close to overstaying it’s welcome. When i think about all the things i have been through, it was one of the few things that had seen it all and supported me through it. The decision to go to Burger Fuel instead of Rice Bowl, to ditch Friday yoga and talk about people we hate, when i listened to “What a way to wanna be” by Shania Twain 27 times, that time i left my wallet at the Salvation Army, hours of sweat at Jetts, when i crashed the bumper of my friends car uninsured, getting my nails done at an asian store because i was turning twenty, eating Italian, buying mens cologne in duty free for myself, filming an underwear commercial, signing up to the library, signing up for Uber, cutting my thumb instead of sundried tomatoes, discovering J.Cole and spewing on a Melbourne train. The list really goes on (but if it did, you might stop reading). The truth is, when i gave my hair tie to this girl to look after,  i didn’t think twice about giving her such a valuable asset of my life until she returned without it and i suddenly thought “you just lost my main bitch, my side girl, my bff” and that’s something you can never replace. It’s like a boyfriend- constantly there by your side. Actually, it’s not like a boyfriend at all. It’s the opposite. Totally reliable, until the next girl steals it from you (haha). Only females will understand the pain and struggles of hair ties (or our man-bun friends who seem to be multiplying), the struggle is so real and the metaphors for this topic could go on and on like the love i have for snag-free elastics that do the distance.

after music & love.

Fashion is like the greatest thing on earth (after music & love). How good does it feel to have a fucking ace outfit that rocks the town? You feel so unstoppable like dynamite or something. There are just those outfits thats stop traffic and make all the girls cry, they are simply the best. Sometimes when i walk around op shops i question why i would shop anywhere else and then i remember underwear is better brand new- but that’s all.